Katie is our Red Standard poodle weighing about 53 lbs. She’ll produce red and apricot. We can’t wait
Posts Categorized: Mom
Blanche is our happy standard poodle weighing in at 40 lbs. She’ll have pups with BixB this fall.
We welcome Chanel to our program. She and Sprout will produce beautiful parti, choc. and maybe cream this year.
This is Rue. Our beautiful happy multi colored poodle. She carries for black, brown and parti. (Bred to Sprout.)
Sammy is our sweet, happy girl. She’s 50 lbs and her pups with Sprout were absolutely beautiful.
Ella is our chocolate Standard Poodle. She’s 45 lbs. and super friendly. We are excited to welcome her into our program. Her pups with Sprout are anxiously awaited.