Now that school is back in session, don’t forget about your 4 legged kids. They’re going to be missing their 2 legged friends and be very bored with nothing to do and no one to play with. If they’re under 1 yr old, you may want to get them back to crate time. They will want to act out a bit out of boredom and the old “where’d everybody go I wasn’t done with them yet”. Even the older ones will need a little more attention during the transition period. Think like a dog folks all their playmates just left them alone and they don’t know why. Don’t be surprised if your previously “totally housetrained” pup decides to tear up your house. It’s the only way he can tell you that he’s upset. Just give them a little extra lovin’ and if necessary go back to the crate. It’s not punishment, it’s a safe haven for them. Good luck with the new school year all you 2 legged kids!